👶 Baby Lab AI

Baby Lab AI

Experience the wonders of AI.
Just upload photos of both parents and let our AI model do the rest.

Can't Wait To Meet Your Future Baby?

Stop Waiting. Meet Them Today.

Baby Lab AI uses advanced artificial intelligence models to generate high quality images of what your baby might look like.

It's as simple as:
some of our babies
1. Upload Photos of Both Parents
Attach them to the order form at the bottom of the page.
some of our babies
2. Receive Your Photos
In less than 24 hours, you'll receive an email with photos of your future baby.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I get?
You will receive an email containing 10 HD photos, 5 pictures of a baby boy and girl respectively.

What type of photos should I upload?
Clear, HD photos of your face, with a white background, work best with our image generation AI model.

What do you do with my photos?
Your photos are used as inputs to our AI model, we use them to render baby photos and then delete them from our servers after delivery.

What about my data?
Your privacy is our utmost concern, all data is stored securely on servers in the United States.

Is my payment secure?
Yes, we partner with Stripe to process payments. We do not store any of your credit card information.

Is my privacy protected?
Yes, we respect your privacy and do not share your uploaded or generated images with anyone.

Do I own the pictures you send?
Yes! You own the rights to the baby photos and can use them anywhere you want, including social media and your website.

Can I get a refund?
Yes, we can refund your purchase if your uploaded photos are unusable for AI image generation. However, we cannot refund your purchase after delivery of baby photos.

Have another question that we didn't cover? Ask us directly! contact@babylabai.com
Meet Your Future Baby Today
Early Bird Discount: $9 for 10 photos (5 boys and 5 girls), delivered within a day via email.
One-Time Payment. No Subscription. No Hidden Fees.

  • Make sure you entered the correct email.
  • Use photos of faces only, no full body shots.
  • Use photos without facial hair or other obstructions to face.
Mother Image
Upload file or drag and drop
Father Image
Upload file or drag and drop