baby lab ai logoBaby Lab AI

Say hi to your next child

Our advanced AI engine will create a selection of images that represent your future child

Baby Lab AI uses advanced artificial intelligence models to generate high quality images of what your baby might look like. Just upload a photo of you and your partner let us take care of the rest.

smiling man with a natural background smiling woman with a natural background
smiling boy with a natural background
smiling girl with a natural background

Get stunning images of your future child, right in your inbox

All of these images were created with Baby Lab AI

example of a child generated by the AI example of a child generated by the AI example of a child generated by the AI example of a child generated by the AI example of a child generated by the AI example of a child generated by the AI example of a child generated by the AI example of a child generated by the AI example of a child generated by the AI example of a child generated by the AI example of a child generated by the AI example of a child generated by the AI example of a child generated by the AI example of a child generated by the AI example of a child generated by the AI example of a child generated by the AI

How it works

Snap. Upload. Adore.

Snap 2 photos of you and your partner, upload them to our AI engine, and receive 8 HD images of your future child.

some of our babies
1. Upload Photos of Both Parents
Attach them to the order form at the bottom of the page.
some of our babies
2. Receive Your Photos
In less than 24 hours, you'll receive an email with photos of your future baby.

Trusted by hundreds of current and future parents

Hundreds of current, expecting, and future parents have trusted Baby Lab AI to give them a glipse into one of their potential futures. Our results speak for themselves.

Privacy is our #1 Priority

  • We never sell your data
  • You own your pictures
  • Uploaded and generated pictures are deleted after image delivery
  • All data is stored securely on servers in the United States, by vetted, third party partners
  • Your images are never sold, shared, or used for any other purpose

Baby Lab AI is for everyone

No partner? No problem. Just upload 2 photos of yourself!

woman woman
child child child child

Baby Lab AI is perfect for every kind of couple

man man
child child child child
woman woman
child child child child

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to common questions about our professional AI baby photo creation service.

What do I get?

You will receive an email containing 8 HD photos, 4 pictures of a baby boy and girl respectively.

What type of photos should I upload?

Clear, HD photos of your face work best with our image generation AI model.

Who owns the images I receive?

You do! You can use the photos anywhere you want. We don't use any photos that are generated anywhere and do not share your photos with anyone.

What do you do with my photos?

Your photos are used as inputs to our AI model, we use them to render baby photos and then delete them from our servers after delivery.

How long will it take to get my photos?

Most photos are generated and should appear in your inbox in 5 minutes. During periods of high demand, it may take up to 24 hours.

Are my images private?

Yes! We do not share your photos with anyone. Images you upload and images we generate are deleted from our servers within 7 days.

Where is my data stored?

Data is stored securely on servers in the United States, by vetted, highly secure, third party partners. We delete all images within 7 days and only store required information to verify successful payments.

Can I delete my data?

Yes, you can request deletion at any time by sending us an email at

Is my payment secure?

Yes, we use Stripe for payment. We do not store any of your credit card information.

Can I get a refund?

Unfortunately, we cannot offer refunds as costs incurred for generating AI photos are extremely high. In turn, our upstream providers do not let us ask for refunds for the GPU processing time used to create your AI photos. This would make it a loss making endeavor for us. During purchase you agree to withhold your right to refund for this reason.

Can I get an invoice?

Yes, you can get an invoice for your purchase. Send an email to with the same email you used to purchase photos and we will send you an invoice.

Have another question that we didn't cover? Ask us directly!

Meet Your Future Baby Today
Mother's Day Discount: $6 for 8 photos (4 boys and 4 girls), delivered within a day via email.
  • One-Time Payment
  • No Subscription
  • No Hidden Fees

Mother Image
Upload file or drag and drop
Father Image
Upload file or drag and drop

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HD Photos of your future little one, generated with AI
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